Sunday, December 29, 2013



By Doug Salway on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at 12:29am
The footprints in the snow suddenly ended. The only way to go was up. That seemed to obvious, Charles thought. Back tracking the trail, he noticed several small branches broken off the underbrush.  "You sneaky bastard" he mutter under his breath before plunging into the darkness even further.   The moon wasn’t even close to being full yet, this would make tracking Johnson a little difficult, but not much more. Of course Johnson wouldn’t be able to pace, he wasn’t made for this terrain. To many years behind a desk eating Krispy Kreme will to that to a man. Charles knew that his prey would have to stop before long, and then he’d have him.

It was supposed to be a simple in and out. Johnson worked there so he knew the layout, had the access, had the keys. Charles just needed a job and money plain and simple. Charles liked simple. And it was. The doors were open where they needed to be, this person or that was on break or bathroom, just like Johnson said. Charles made his way to the eighth floor, first door on left. There it was sitting on the desk, no guards, no people in general, one silver metal case. Charles figured if it was important, somebody would be watching it. He picked it up and made his was by down to the parking garage with the same ease.

Charles had been given a location, a secluded place not far off of highway 62, at the base of the mountains. This time of year is usually too cold for camping, so the place should be pretty empty. He was to meet with Johnson for his payment. "The easiest $50 grand I’ve ever made" he thought to himself. Charles threw the case in the trunk and headed north.

The small cabin was easy enough to find and far enough away to deter any unwanted attention. Charles got out of his care to take a look around.  There was another car there as well, Johnson’s obviously. Everything seemed to be in place so he headed in side to make the exchange. The sooner he got his over with the sooner he could get home. The thought of being here after sundown didn’t sit well Charles. "Well it’s about time you got here, did you manage it well" Johnson asked hastily.  "Yeah I got it alright" he said in return. "Let’s get this over with, I need to get back before it gets too late" Charles said, "You bring the money?"  Johnson drew a large smile across his face, "About that", he said, "I’ve decided that I’d make a better profit without a partner. Of course there’s still a need for a patsy." "You see, your finger prints are all over that building, stairwells, and door knobs. When they realize this is missing," Johnson shook the case. "You’ll be the one whose prints come up that don’t belong there."  "So you didn’t even bring my money did you?" Charles asked. "Oh, I have the money, not that you’ll see any of it!" With that Johnson bolted out the door. Charles sat down at the small kitchenette table. "I’ll give him a small head start." He said to himself throwing the dirty spark plug cable on the counter top.

When Johnson rounded the drive way, he saw the hood to his car was up. Not thinking he tried to start it to no prevails. Panic set in, "FUCK!" he shouted and jump from the car. The wilderness was dark and getting darker. "I can lose him on the hiking trail and double back" Johnson thought, and then ran off into the woods.

The moon was almost at its peak when Charles heard the branch snap. He could smell Johnson's sweat soaked clothes in the air. The night filled with new sounds, smells wafted into his nostrils. Then the pain hit, the familiar pain that he had grown accustom to over the years, his bones breaking and rearranging themselves. He fell to his knees ripping at his clothes. Johnson’s backstabbing run would be over shortly. Charles’s laughter turned to growl. Never double cross a wolf.

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